Saturday, September 02, 2006

Welcome, Li'l Nibble!

Special congratulations to Miss Tasty and Smooth Melon on the addition of Li'l Nibble!! (To retain Li'l Nibble's anonymity, we've posted a picture of a baby in a hamburger bun instead of an actual photo.)

SOS - Summer of Salads

Our August meeting was Summer of Salads. It was during the heat wave, so no one wanted to crank up their stoves (I'm pretty sure at least three fourths of us did anyway...). Click here for Miss Tasty's recounting of the evening...

Friday, September 01, 2006

'3 Second Rule' Dinner

Allright, this entry is more than a little overdue. Back on June 17, 2006, the EP crew (myself, Miss Tasty, Smooth Melon, V-Licious, Slim Jim, Scoop, and Cheesy T) got together for EP - Dropped Foods, or as I like to call it, the '3 Second Rule' dinner.

And so we being. Round one. V-Licious and Slim Jim are up first. There is a lot of secrecy, and some giggles. Oh, and music. We all head outside. Eye of the Tiger blares on the stereo, and Slim Jim appears from the back door. Overalls, holster, pouches of ingredients, and a huge bowl of hummus. Ingredients fly to the beat of the music, perfectly choreographed. Absolutely amazing (and quite delish). Pita, falafel, yogurt, all the fixins. Good show. No one wants to follow this act, but someone must, and Miss Tasty offers to take up the challenge.

Before you know it, tostada shells are flying across the tarp. Bowls of beans, salsa, guacamole, and cheese are passed around, and everyone takes turns flinging toppings onto the shells (or at least trying to... you'd be amazed at EP's collective bad aim).

Third is my contribution, orzo. I had built a contraption that, when dropped, should have jettisoned 7 equal portions of orzo onto the tarp. This, however, didn't happen. Only 2 of the 7 segments shot their orzo appropriately. I spread a bit more around before everyone jumped in and chowed down.

Finally, the hosts step up to the plate. First, a gorgeous bowl of golden saffron pasta. Beautiful and tasty. Little red saffron strands on yellow strands of pasta, dumped lovingly onto the tarp.

And for dessert, a homemade cake that refused to break upon impact with the ground. We must have thrown that thing onto the tarp 5 times to make it split. And it was so worth it. The frosting was amazing.

The whole night, no one used untensils, napkins, or plates.